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Creation - Part I


A.  Introduction: Why study about creation?

1. The Bible places great significance on creation. It is taught throughout the Scriptures - Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-3; Hebrews 11:3; Revelation 4:11.

2. It is an essential part of the Church's belief.

(a) It was taught very early in the history of the Church.

(b) "I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth..." - Apostles Creed.

3. It affects our understanding of other doctrines. For example:

(a) The creative work of God tells us a lot about His nature.

(b) The manner in which man was made affirms his position in the Will of God.

Note: A faulty view of creation will result in false doctrines.

4. It helps to differentiate Christianity from other religions.

5. It has become a major area of conflict in recent years especially in regard to scientific postulations e.g. Theologians have proposed: theistic evolution; progressive creationism; reconstructionism; and age-day theories to accommodate the secular "Old Earth" position.


B.  God created...

1. God created ALL things.

(a) Genesis starts with "In the beginning God..."

- There is no question about the existence of God! We are to "believe that He is." (Hebrews 11:6)

- "Before the beginning began to begin God was there!"

- Atheism and agnosticism is simply not compatible with the Scriptures.

(b) God created through the power of His word. (Psalms 33:6,9; 148:2-5)

(c) He made both the visible and invisible worlds. (Colossian 1:16)

(d) Creation was ex-nihilo i.e. from nothing. (Hebrews 11:3; Romans 4:17)

- Matter is therefore not eternal. (The view of atheism, polytheism, panentheism and finite godism is that matter always existed.)

- Creation was not ex-materia i.e. from pre-existing matter.

- Creation was not ex-Deo i.e. from God's divine essence. (This is the view of Pantheism - Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, etc.)

(e) God made all things! (John 1:3; Genesis 1:1). Note: The expression "the heavens and the earth" in Genesis 1:1 is an idiom referring to everything that exists.

(f) This means that God is sovereign over matter i.e. all matter has a purpose in God's plan!


2. God created time and space.

(a) God is not limited to time. (Psalms 90:2; Job 36:26)

- He is "Alpha and Omega" (Revelation 1:8)

- He is "I AM THAT I AM." (Exodus 3:14; John 8:58)

- He is the uncaused being who caused all things to be.

(b) God sees all time equally. (Psalms 90:4; II Peter 3:8)

- The phrase "a thousand years" figuratively means "as long as time could be imagined."

- All events: past; present; and future are vividly seen by God in the same instant! (Nothing takes God by surprise!)

(c) God is Lord over all things, including time and space. (Isaiah 46:9-10)

(d) Although He is not limited to time/space God acts in time/space. For example:

- He sent His son at the right time. (Galatians 4:4)

- He has an appointed day for judgement. (Acts 17:30-31)

(e) Note: The laws of Physics mathematically prove that matter, time and space must exist together. Therefore time and space must have begun when God created matter.


3. God especially made man. (Genesis 2:7, 21, 22)

(a) Man was not merely created through God's spoken word as the rest of creation.

- Man's body was first formed (ex-materia) from dust (Genesis 2:7).

- God breathed life into this body hence creating (ex-nihilo) his soul.

(b) The woman was made from the side of the man. (Genesis 2:21-23)

- She was created for the man. (I Corinthians 11:8-9)

- Note: The fact that the woman was made after the man rules out the theory of theistic evolution.

(c) They were both made in God's image and likeness. (Genesis 1:26)

(d) Man is special because:

- Of God's direct involvement in forming man.

- He is made in the image and likeness of God.


4. God's creation was "very good." Genesis 1:31.

(a) The term "very good" has three major connotations to it

- It emphasizes excellence.

- It advocates adequacy.

- It portrays pleasure.

(b) Creation displays God's excellence as the Creator.

(c) It was adequate for the purpose He made it.

(d) Creation was also pleasing to God.


5. God alone created.

(a) The act of creation is exclusively reserved for deity.

(b) Creation therefore involved the entire Godhead.

- The Father is creator. (I Corinthians 8:6)

- Christ is creator. (John 1:3; I Corinthians 8:6; Hebrews 1:2)

- The Holy Spirit was also at work in creation. (Genesis 1:2; Job 33:4; Psalms 104:30)

(c) Implications of God's exclusivity in creation:

- There is no (good versus evil) division of reality. (dualism)

- Since a benevolent God created matter, it is not evil as the Gnostics/Docetists believed.

- God created all natural laws (genetic, physics, etc.) which men use to "create" e.g. breeding of animals, hybrids, technology, etc. All subsequent creation is still the work of God!


C.  The relationship of the Creator with creation

1. God is distinct from His creation.

(a) He is independent of it. (El Shaddai - God is Almighty or all sufficient).

(b) He transcends it i.e. He is far above it. (Psalms 97:9; Ephesians 4:6)

(c) He did not create it out of necessity but by his will. (Revelation 4:11)

2. God is immanently involved in his creation.

(a) He sustains the world. (Job 12:10; Acts 17:25,28)

(b) He is also present in the world. (Jeremiah 23:24)

3. God's creation is a testimony of his existence to all men.

(a) It shows his glory. (Psalms 19:1-2)

(b) It shows his wisdom. (Jeremiah 10:12)

4. God's creation is for man's enjoyment. (I Timothy 6:17)


D.  Implications

1. The material world is good in itself. Nothing made is intrinsically evil.

(a) Man is not a victim of his environment - He must take full responsibility for his sins.

(b) Spirituality is not found by avoiding the material realm but by sanctifying it.

2. We should be concerned about all of creation because God loves and cares for it.

3. God is sovereign over all the universe:

(a) No creature can be equated with God.

(b) Worship belongs exclusively to Him.

4. The incredible size and complexity of the universe should inspire us to worship God for his awesome greatness and might!